She did, and we were taken to meet our Princess. I placed Melanie in her bassinet and from that day on Melanie has been her constant companion. The Princess can't go to sleep unless she has Melanie in her arms.
Here's what Melanie used to look like....

six much loved years on, Melanie now looks like this....

the 'new Melanie' was bought 5 years ago, just in case something happened to 'Melanie'. She just not the same though (literally!!)

Melanie we love you!!!!
Take Care
p.s. click on the button "Its all about me" on my RH side bar, the clever and innovative Natasha Burns is hosting another great blogland event
Rachael, how special Melanie is. She is one loved dolly.
you can tell how loved she is!!! very sweet:)
I love Melanie too! Only very well loved dolls look like this and if you take a close look the same aplies to human beings, the ones that stay looking like brandnew are not the well loved ones! Take a look at me!
Ps I wanted to send you the columns but the mail man won't take them to you, have a great weekend anyway!
Melanie will always be beautiful...she is much loved...hugs, Linda
That is one well loved doll! How sweet that she still loves Melanie so much.
Lol what a cute post! :D
Aww, Melanie is clearly a very loved dolly. X
Oh soooo cute Rachel!
hahahah.... that is SO funny! 8 years of love... so so cute.
xox heather
I had a chuckle! As we approach the time when Chelsea will undoubtly be picking a favorite a few people suggested buying two of the "chosen" toy and rotating them so they are both worn in case one is lost. I hadn't thought of that!
oh my gosh, You can tell how much that dollie is loved!!
xoxo, Tiffany
Hi Rachael, Melanie is so special and although worn around the edges and beyond, she still is very special. What a beautiful story.
Thank you for sharing.
Hope you are doing well.
Thoughts and prayers for you.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Hi Rachael
Melanie certainly looks like she's been loved, wasn't that clever of you to have bought a back up Melanie, even though she certainly doesn't look the same or indeed hold the same memories as "The Melanie"
My daughter had a Strawberry Shortcake doll which was loved as your Melanie is, what a fuss if Strawberry went missing or was left at a friends, it was truely tragic!
Hi! I am desperate to find another Melanie doll for my daughter.
Do you remember where you purchased your replacement?
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