Tuesday 2 August 2011

Simple Pleasures

I now understand what it means to have a life changing experience!

As I fell from the ladder I knew there was a possiblity I could die or if not I could be permanently disabled...

the medical people and people who have visited my house and have seen the broken ladder and the height I fell from all believe it is a miracle that I only have two broken ribs and bruising!

I know it is a miracle...

a life changing miracle for me!

I am so grateful for my broken ribs and my big black and blue bruises because it has given me an appreciation of life that I didn't have before and a stronger desire to "do" my plans, to not sweat the small stuff, to be grateful and to enjoy simple pleasures.

My simple pleasure today is these sweet, sweet smelling Freesias picked from the castle gardens!

Enjoy the simple pleasures in your day and...

Take Care


Alicia ~ time worn style said...

oh my goodness, it must be going around as my husband fell off a ladder and also broke his ribs. He knocked himself out as well. So I know exactly what you mean as I was actually standing there and couldnt do a thing. all over a dead possom in the roof space! Hope you are feeling better very soon and dont forget to smell the freesias :0))

carole brungar said...

Wow, you take care of yourself!! Hope you've got some reading, or perhaps a good time to blog surf!

Jen said...

beautiful flowers

so pleased it wasnt worst

Marybeth said...

So glad you posted! Been a bit worried about you. It is good to slow down, appreciate and leave behind baggage, sort thru what is important and then skip along the flower path of life!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my goodness, how scary! So glad you are okay, though. That is a miracle indeed! PTL Praying that you'll soon be feeling good as new.

Bethany said...

Hoping your recovery is progressing nicely...sending hugs, well gentle hugs so as not to crush your poor aching ribs!! Love for a quick healing...you're in our prayers :)